Christmas Gift Guide: For the Person You Just Don't Know What to Get
You know that person who definitely deserves a great gift, but you don’t quite feel like anything would be “good enough”. Or the person who already has everything? (those are the hardest people to shop for!) Or maybe the person who you have to get something, but you have no inkling of anything they would like? This list is for those people!
The best part of this gift is the endless possibilities of the bottle you can put inside! Whatever you decide on, we’re sure they’ll love the bottle holder and the liquid it holds!
Available in four different sentiments, you can choose one specifically for the receiver. New this year is our Peace Angel, designed specifically as a reminder for the Christmas season.
The handmade leather journal is a classic 2nd Story good! Use it to process, dream, draw, pray, stay organized...the possibilities are endless!
The founder of 2nd Story Goods, Kathy Brooks, came out with her debut book this year and many are raving that every human should read it. Inspiring stories in a quick read! Who doesn’t love that?
Singing Rooster brings gourmet coffee and chocolate from small farmers throughout Haiti to the international market. Anyone will love this delicious gift!

Most people don’t like to give a gift card, but everybody loves to receive them! Be their favorite gift this year by letting them choose exactly what they want!