From New Year's Resolutions to Wellness Declarations
From New Year's Resolutions to Wellness Declarations
A new year can feel like an exciting fresh start.
A time to reset and be intentional about how we choose to live our lives.
But New Year’s Resolutions can be so…hard. They can leave us feeling crushed by the pressure to abide to strict rules, where there isn’t much space for grace.
So this year, instead of New Year’s Resolutions we’re calling them Wellness Declarations.
These are decisions that we make out of love for ourselves, and the idea of prioritizing our wellness sounds a lot kinder than being resolute about a ton of harsh new rules!
So here’s our guide to a few ideas for Wellness Declarations, and some ethically-made goods that might pair well with them!
1. Journaling
Every January we grab a journal and dream. Here are some questions we’re reflecting on this time around.
- What were the Highlights of last year?
- What were the Lowlights?
- What’s something you did well last year?
- What’s something you’d like to do differently this year?
- What did you learn about yourself or the world last year?
- What are you looking forward to this year?
- At the end of 2022, what would you like to look back and say you did this year?
- What are some Wellness Declarations that you have for this year?
If you’re looking for a journal, our Pastiche Leather Journal is gorgeously hand-stitched and ready for you to fill up with your hopes, dreams, and thoughts!
2. Going for Bike Rides
Does your Wellness Declaration have to do with getting time outside and/or moving your body more? Going for a bike ride is a great way to check both boxes. And our cute and functional Bike Basket is guaranteed to motivate you to do it more! Now you can ride your bike to run an errand or grab some goodies while you’re exploring; we recommend taking it to check out a new part of town!
3. Being the Change
Since our own wellness is tied up with the wellness of others, one Wellness Declaration might have something to do with making the world a little better. The Be the Change Purse is a great place to start: You instantly make the world better through your purchase that creates living wage jobs in Haiti and you'll constantly be reminded to “be the change” every day.
4. Getting Organized
Anyone have a Wellness Declaration about getting organized? We all know the rule about creating a place for every thing and keeping every thing in its place. It feels like you can never have toooooo many baskets to help give everything a place to live. A few Small Oval Sorting Baskets might help do the trick!
5. Remembering
What do you want to remember this year? That you are Fierce or Loved? Inspiration to be Fearless? To hold on to Hope? Whatever it may be, we have a Recycled Aluminum Ring with your word on it, so you can remind yourself each day of the truth you most need to hear!
6. Practicing Self Care
Creating a self care routine that works for you is a great Wellness Declaration. This can help us be intentional about making sure we are at our best so we can be out best selves for the world. Buying something like the beautiful Natural Horn Comb that has so many benefits for your hair can help you take this “me time” seriously!
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