MAY 3, 2011

MAY 3, 2011


by Kathy Brooks on Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 7:59pm
Sunday morning,,  In Haiti

I do not use an alarm clock unless I need

to leave the house before 5:00am.  It seems that 5:30am is just when

life gets going again, after a good sleep and in bed around 9:00pm.

So this Morning is no different. Up out of bed and on the roof like

many other Haitians breathing in waiting for the coffee to get done.

This morning I am waiting for 8:00.  Yesterday God asked me to go and

pray for Benson .  He is 10 years old.  I plan to give his mom a break and let

her go to church.  I am going at 8:00 to see if it seems good to her

and then come back at 9:00; give her a little money to get some

groceries and I am going to hold this little guy… severely   retarded

in his development.  Special ED teachers came last week and diagnosed

that he was unteachable, would never become “normal”.  Sad words for a

mother to hear.

I believe that All things are possible in the realm

of heaven coming to earth, so this what I am out to is my

inheritance. As I worship the presence of God comes and I know that

this is his arena for compassion.

I knew Jesus was in the house and

He reminded me of his compassion for the woman whose son had died and

Jesus wanted to give that son back to his mother.  I believe God wants

to give Benson back to his mother, clothed and in his right mind.

We prayed, Worshiped and shared some  bread together.  He reminded me

that when I pray something always happens.  We talked  about what is

happening and he gives me the ok to head out.  There is not a lot of

evidence yet, but I KNOW something always happens when we pray.

I leave Bensons mommy’s kay ( house)  and decide to go check out the progress of

the new well that is being dug to provide water to a group of farmers

about a ¾  mile east of the school.  I gave the gardener Mourice money

last week and wanted to see if progress was happening.  There is now a

basin with 6 inches of water in the bottom.  A bucket is over the pipe

and it looks like we might need a pump to get the water out of the

ground and in  to the basin out of the basin and back into the ground

via the gardens.

It is a relief to see it happen.  I look forward to

seeing the gardens, the greening of jubilee!!!!

My inspection has not

gone unnoticed about 5 ti mouns  (children) have run the distance and are

now hanging on my arms as i/we make our way back to truck.    5 turns into

20. It is a long walk back to the school , so I decide to break my

rules and ask them if they would like a ride.  Jumping, laughing and

running to the truck the pile in .  by the time I start out now there

is 25 kids, and more and headed this way I drive half the distance and

10 more have come to the truck.  I stop and load them in, (all in the

back) and decide, what the heck we might as well joy ride a little, so

we head toward the ocean, back to the gardens and then back to the


I unload my happy crew and am so grateful that I get to have

another day in paradise.

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